Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello Tuesday

Hey everybody! Well I did not do the cardio glide like I had intended last night. I kept coming up with my usual excuses. I am trying so hard to change that habit and its the hardest one to break. I did weigh this morning and lost .4 pounds so I'm finally going back down.

I had a yummy southwest grilled chicken salad for dinner last night that was amazing!. I didn't realize how hungry I was but I practically inhaled it.

I didn't really do anything last night except watch TV and edit wedding pictures. I also ventured out and did an at home hot oil treatment on my hair. It was quite the experience to say the least haha.

Today is my little sister's 21st birthday. I can't believe how old we are all getting.

Not really anything to report today except that I need to try harder.

I did find out yesterday that I am going to graduate a whole semester earlier than I originally thought. YAY!!! So Eric and I have to move up our plan of figuring out what will happen next. This is a new chapter in our lives and I know I'm excited I hope he is too.

Well as always thanks for reading.

I plan to be all artsy maybe tonight or tomorrow night and print out a bunch of recipes and make a cute recipe book. I'll post pictures after I do.

Then end of next week is when I will take my next monthly updated picture. I'm excited to see if there is any progress.

Anyway thanks for reading.

Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)

"Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
                                                                                                                                            Joshua 1:7-9

I am so excited that this verse was finally up to be put in here because most everybody knows that Joshua 1:9 is my most favorite verse in the whole Bible. :)


  1. LOVE THIS - transform who you are not just the way you look! That has really been my biggest emotional turn. I have been focusing on changing ME not my image. I focus on the inside - the health of my body and how goo it feels to be eating right and drinking lots of water etc.
    The way it feels to be healthy is far more motivation to me than what I will look like "skinny". (although fitting in smaller clothes never made anybody sad!) My biggest tip for working out is force yourself to put on your gym clothes. Once you are in gym clothes its hard not to work out. Today I didn't want to go to the gym AT ALL I had a long day at work went from 7 to 5:30 and just wanted to come home and lay on the couch. I had packed my gym clothes and put them in the car though because I know if I go home I am not going to work out. I drove to the gym and once I was there I had to do it! I think also once you get the gym membership you will do better. I have a bike at home but when I am at home with things to clean, dogs, TV, and pinterest I make excuses to do those things rather than work out. Getting me out of the house makes me get to the gym. Figure out what your triggers are that make you not work out and then get rid of those so that you don't excuse yourself from being AWESOME.

  2. Totally agree with Jooey about the gym. I can NEVER make myself work out at home because of the distractions. But I can get dressed and go to the gym just like it is a job I have to go to everyday. And I look forward to seeing all the friends I've made there. auntie R
