Thursday, August 23, 2012

Almost There.....

This week has gone by so slow! Finally its Thursday which means tomorrow is my half day.

I gained another .6 pounds at my weigh in the morning. I was expecting more though because we had pizza last night (another weekness of mine when I'm in the mood for it.)

I am determined to hit the 20 pound mark soon. That's only 6.8 more pounds. I can do that!

I'm going to talk about water drinking today. Here is a chart that show how much water your body actually needs based on your weight:

I know I'm not drinking that much! Maybe I will keep this picture as my background on my computer and phone so I will always remember to be drinking water.

I am so excited to not have anything that I have to do this weekend, I can do what I want to. Which is nice since my last two semesters of school start Monday. EEK! I'm so flippin excited! I might die this semester though, all of my classes are online except for a lab on Saturdays. I am taking A&P, A&P lab, U.S. Geography, Elementary Math, and my Intro to Teaching class that has required observation hours. Plus working full time, I seriously might not live through December! Yes I will because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I will finish in May! I will walk across that stage, possibly on my birthday, and so many pounds lighter and take that degree! Ok so my teacher friends that read this, please tell me what ya'll do for lunches, I read something that said avoid the teachers lounge, so how do you eat healthy while teaching. How do you eat your recommended snacks during the day? I'm sure these are things they don't teach in Intro to Teaching.

Well that's all for today, thanks for reading!

Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
                                                                                                        Micah 6:8

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just wanted to tell you I am excited to see you pressing on. you have inspired me to take one day at a time. I have a tip for you concerning this post about eating healthy while teaching. I don't know what grade you will be teaching but I worked in a classroom while trying to lose weight. YES BY ALL MEANS AVOID THOSE TEACHERS LOUNGES!!! I use to have to walk pass everyday and talk to myself saying, "I can do this, I can do this, it's not worth it, it's not worth it" The "It's" would pertain to whatever sweet or food it in there. LOL You wouldn't believe the amount of confidence and victory i felt at the end of the week. Pack your healthy lunch EVERYDAY..EVEN IF THE NIGHT BEFORE. Always have snacks available that re legal to you. Some days I would bring cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumbers and tiny bit of hummus in a baggie, banana, apple and always have bottles of water or other legal drinks. Now we can buy refillable water jugs or bottles. You can do it, just be determined like you are now. I found that usually my school had a regular routine of having a food filled lounge, Every holiday, or appreciation week for teachers, staff or anything special happening at the school . YOu will learn that and know when to avoid. So many people told me they gained weight just working where we are, I determined it wasn't going to get me. LOL Most schools offer salads for staff if you are stuck buying one day and have nothing but eat in your classroom if the lounge is full of goodies that day. God bless I know you can do it. So excited to see your results soon.
