Well, we made it through another week. Even though I have to go to Anatomy lab at 9 in the morning on a Saturday, I'm still glad it's Friday and a three day weekend!
I still don't know what is going on with my weight. I gained again. Oh well it's only motivating me to push harder and get back going the right way (down.) I'm hoping in just a couple weeks is when we will have the money to get our Anytime Fitness membership and then I can really kick this body into gear. I know there are plenty of exercise activities I could be doing outside of the gym, but come on people, when you've been fat and lazy for this long, it's not going to change over night that you have all the motivation in the world to exercise on your own. Give me a break, I'm trying here!
I am happy to say that I have only had 1 Dr. Pepper since July 10th, which if you know me is a HUGE deal for me. So there, I'm trying. I'm getting there. I need to do this slow and at my own pace so I learn the healthy habits and make a life change and not just another "diet." I'm not on a diet I hate that word, I'm on a journey to healthier, more beautiful, happier, me. I'm doing this for me, not Eric, not my mom, not my friends, me. I want to be happier with myself and have the self confidence I once had. I want to feel worthy of all God has blessed me with in my life. I have had tons of "second" chances and I'm not going to take them for granted anymore. I want to be someone my family and my daddy is proud of.
I've been missing my daddy a lot lately and I think that's part of the reason I've been gaining. But I'm turning a new page this morning and going to stay positive and know that he wants me to be happy, healthy, and successful. OK enough of the soap box, I'm going to get to work now, have a great day, a great weekend, and Happy Labor Day! Thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right."
Jeremiah 26:14
Hey everybody! My name is Sara Smith. I live in Marshall, TX. I auditioned for the Biggest Loser Season 14 and didn't get a call back. I decided then that I didn't' need a reality show to change my life, I could do it on my own. This is weight loss journey! I thank you in advance for the support. I hope that this blog touches at least someone's life and helps them make the decision to get healthy and be happy also!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Three day weekend.... Almost
Good morning readers! I feel much better today than I did yesterday, I'm so glad my two day migraine decided to not stick around for a third day. I did gain a little weight but not much considering I laid in bed all day yesterday. I didn't really eat much yesterday so there isn't much to talk about in that category. I know that is bad and that is probably why I gained, but when you're sick you don't want to eat.
My mom and her two best friends from high school leave today on their "birthday" trip to New York. They were supposed to go in June for my mom's birthday, but two days before they left she and one of the other ladies both had to have gall bladder removal surgery. So they had to postpone. I am so glad they are getting to go and that the hurricane didn't mess up the trip this time. I am a little jealous that I'm not getting to go :).
I can't wait for my three day weekend this weekend. A couple hours Saturday will be taken up by my anatomy lab, but other than that, I plan on having a nice relaxing weekend.
I am planning on having an ItWorks Wrap/Mary Kay/Scentsy party on September 29th with a couple other ladies so if anybody wants to come just let me know! It will be tons of fun!
Eric's birthday is in two weeks and we would still like to go to the Rangers game, so I'm trying to work out something where I can buy some tickets.
Well I guess that's all for today. Thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you
wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday's Plateau
Plateau.... I hate this word. It means I'm stuck, not moving, standing still. I weighed this morning and still no change. I have to figure out something to change to get moving again. I need to wake my body up and let it know that I'm not done yet we still have a lot of work to do. I will be researching ways to do this today.
Dinner last night was delicious just like I knew it would be and OMG my Oreo truffles are amazing! The fact that they are only 25 calories per truffle made them taste even better. :)
School is going well so far, though it is only the third day so we'll see how I feel 16 weeks from now. I am more than ready to start my classroom observations.
If anybody has ideas on how to jump start my weight loss again please let me know. I have a long way to go but I am more determined than ever to get there. I am going to try drinking Sassy Water and see if that helps.
Well again sorry but this is going to be a short post, I have much to do today. Have a great Wednesday and thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Is it December yet?
Ok so as far as weight loss is concerned, I gained 0.8 pounds. Does that bother me? No, because I've still lost a total of 16.8 pounds which is amazing in my book. My husband told me a couple weeks ago he could see this new sense of confidence in me and I think I'm finally starting to feel it in myself.
Now as far as school, I said I was going to die this semester, and after starting my classes yesterday, I am.... I can do it though I have to and I will, I will just talk to you all after December 11th which is coincidentally my 2 year wedding anniversary and the last day to take all my finals. It will be busy, hectic, and tough, but I can do it and I will. I am so determined, passionate, and ready to do this. I can't wait to start my teaching observation so I can get in the classroom and teach/learn. I look forward to observing some amazing teachers and students and learning so much.
Who knows maybe being on my feet moving around for those extra couple hours will help me lose some more weight. :) I will still post every day about my weight loss but it will probably also be about my school. I love my blog and I don't know if any of you care about my life, but its helpful for me to "talk" about it.
I am making lemon pepper chicken and vegetables tonight for dinner. I was going to make it last night but I had to do dishes first. I am also making either Oreo cake balls or Oreo cheesecake for dessert. Eric wanted me to surprise him and I found low calorie recipes for each of them so I was really excited that I can have my sweets without feeling bad!
Well I guess I better get to work and school. Thanks for reading.
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves."
Philippians 2:3
Monday, August 27, 2012
Back to School!
Well it's Monday again, but this Monday is different because it's back to school day! I start my next to last semester of my first degree today! It may have taken me longer than it should have or some people may have liked but I learned so much and I am finally finishing! My baby sister starts her senior year and my baby brother starts his
sophomore year! I almost cried not going to lie! I am so proud of them!
This weekend was pretty good, we did absolutely nothing just like I had planned.
I weighed this morning and got really close to hitting 20 pounds this weekend but I weighed this morning and am at 17.5! I am thrilled! I just know I will hit 20 pounds or more this week. I am so so so excited!
Not really anything to report since we didn't do anything this weekend. The biggest news is my weight loss currently and that I start school today. Well I guess I better get to work and school! Have a great Monday! Thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you."
1 Samuel 12:24
Friday, August 24, 2012
Half Day Friday!
I love that I only work 4 hours on Fridays, it makes getting up in the morning so much easier!
On another note, I lost 1.4 pounds! Yay me!! I have 151.8 pounds to go to hit my goal weight!
I am going grocery shopping after work so this is your last chance to give me any recipe ideas! Come on people, this girl wants to cook new stuff!!
We have nothing planned for this weekend and I am thoroughly OK with that because this is my last weekend until December to not have anything to do! I plan on editing pictures, cleaning my house, and getting prepared for school, nothing else all weekend long.
I'm hoping to start at Anytime Fitness soon because as a friend said, there are too many excuses, distractions, and other things to do to work out at home, it just isn't going to happen.
I still can't believe that I will be graduating in 9 months! It may have taken me longer than some people or longer than some people might have liked (myself included) but I have learned so much more than the average person and endured so much more than the average person during my college years. I'm not done yet, but this will be one degree under my belt.
Not really anything else to write about, I will post again Monday. Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Almost There.....
This week has gone by so slow! Finally its Thursday which means tomorrow is my half day.
I gained another .6 pounds at my weigh in the morning. I was expecting more though because we had pizza last night (another weekness of mine when I'm in the mood for it.)
I am determined to hit the 20 pound mark soon. That's only 6.8 more pounds. I can do that!
I'm going to talk about water drinking today. Here is a chart that show how much water your body actually needs based on your weight:
I know I'm not drinking that much! Maybe I will keep this picture as my background on my computer and phone so I will always remember to be drinking water.
I am so excited to not have anything that I have to do this weekend, I can do what I want to. Which is nice since my last two semesters of school start Monday. EEK! I'm so flippin excited! I might die this semester though, all of my classes are online except for a lab on Saturdays. I am taking A&P, A&P lab, U.S. Geography, Elementary Math, and my Intro to Teaching class that has required observation hours. Plus working full time, I seriously might not live through December! Yes I will because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I will finish in May! I will walk across that stage, possibly on my birthday, and so many pounds lighter and take that degree! Ok so my teacher friends that read this, please tell me what ya'll do for lunches, I read something that said avoid the teachers lounge, so how do you eat healthy while teaching. How do you eat your recommended snacks during the day? I'm sure these are things they don't teach in Intro to Teaching.
Well that's all for today, thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday
I have been dragging this morning for some reason. It seems like Wednesday's are my Monday's, I'm always fine on Monday and dragging Wednesday. Anyway, I lost .2 pounds so I'm still going down. I was abnormally tired last night and even though I knew it was bad, I skipped dinner. Maybe that's why I didnt lose more.
I had a subway sandwich yesterday for lunch and am having the other half today for lunch. I never imagined I would willingly order spinach on my sandwich and like it. :)
I have been on a cooking kick lately and so I've been searching for new recipes. I can't wait to cook more new things.
I have decided to get a membership to Anytime Fitness for Eric and I. We will start in September.
My weeks are about to get a lot longer because starting not this coming Saturday, but the next, I will have an Anatomy lab every Saturday. BLEGH! Oh well its only one semester. I also start my teacher observation next week. YAY!
Yesterday was my little sister's 21st birthday and I was sad because we couldn't go out to eat with everybody. Hopefully we can do something with her this weekend. Next up will be Eric's birthday which I'm still hoping to find Rangers tickets for. Some that we can afford that aren't in the nosebleed seats.
We are still searching for adoption agencys and praying for the funds to show up. I know God will provide on his time, I just need prayers for patience and faith because right now to me, it looks impossible. That is why I am glad to be pouring myself into this self transformation (I hate the word diet). It keeps me busy and focused on other things besides the adoption or I would obsess over that.
Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting me. I am still amazed by the amount of positive feedback I have been given from this blog.
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Hello Tuesday
Hey everybody! Well I did not do the cardio glide like I had intended last night. I kept coming up with my usual excuses. I am trying so hard to change that habit and its the hardest one to break. I did weigh this morning and lost .4 pounds so I'm finally going back down.
I had a yummy southwest grilled chicken salad for dinner last night that was amazing!. I didn't realize how hungry I was but I practically inhaled it.
I didn't really do anything last night except watch TV and edit wedding pictures. I also ventured out and did an at home hot oil treatment on my hair. It was quite the experience to say the least haha.
Today is my little sister's 21st birthday. I can't believe how old we are all getting.
Not really anything to report today except that I need to try harder.
I did find out yesterday that I am going to graduate a whole semester earlier than I originally thought. YAY!!! So Eric and I have to move up our plan of figuring out what will happen next. This is a new chapter in our lives and I know I'm excited I hope he is too.
Well as always thanks for reading.
I plan to be all artsy maybe tonight or tomorrow night and print out a bunch of recipes and make a cute recipe book. I'll post pictures after I do.
Then end of next week is when I will take my next monthly updated picture. I'm excited to see if there is any progress.
Anyway thanks for reading.
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the
law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the
right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you
go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way
prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be
dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:7-9
I am so excited that this verse was finally up to be put in here because most everybody knows that Joshua 1:9 is my most favorite verse in the whole Bible. :)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Oh Monday
OK so I woke up with this amazingly positive attitude considering it's Monday. I am determined to make today a good day in all areas. I was not good to my diet over the weekend and gained a pound and a half but I will have that plus more, gone by the end of the week. We were gone all weekend so I didn't get to do my cardio glide but will start that again today at least 15 minutes. I have so many goals for myself for the next couple months and I am determined to hit every single one of them.
I start back to school a week from today and am actually excited. Like I need another thing in my life to keep me busy haha.
I woke up with a Facebook message from a blog reader and I wanted to share it:
"Someone made this comment on the 21 day challenge site. Loved it and thought I'd share it:
'I am a compulsive over-eater. No, scratch that. I am a child of the
living God who struggles with compulsive overeating. It’s what I do, not
who I am. So with God’s help and grace, I can do all things, even
defeat these dangerous and self-destructive eating habits'
I am so glad she she shared this and don't think she realizes how much I needed to hear that exact thing. I was feeling so down on myself for not being "good" this weekend. I am determined to make this week great and successful.
We had a great weekend with Eric's side of the family. We spent Friday night with his parents and it was good to catch up with them. We spent Saturday night and all day Sunday with his sister and her family. We always have a good time with them and it was great to see my niece and nephews again. They have a tough and important week this week if you could all keep them in your thoughts and prayers they and I would appreciate it.
That's basically how you feel during the adoption process from start to finish.......
I am looking forward to a productive busy week. That's all for today, thanks for reading!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is
the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake
Deuteronomy 31:6
Friday, August 17, 2012
Finally Friday!
Well I do have to say that I gained a pound. I also have to say I could care less! Its one pound and everybody knows that weight fluctuates at least 2 pounds a day. I did our cardio glide for 15 minutes last night. Pretty good for a girl who hasnt really worked out in years! I burned like 266 calories doing it which also isnt bad for 15 minutes. I plan on doing 15 minutes a day through next week then bumping up to 20.
Ok I refuse to go into details, I just have to say that I have some amazing Mary Kay customers!
Eric and I are going to his sisters house this weekend and I am so excited! I havent seen them in way too long. I am going to buy the kids some back to school clothes after work from "Aunt Sawa."
This is going to be a short post. I'll post more Monday after I have had a whole weekend of getting things to talk about.
Next week is my last full week of summer before school starts. :( Oh well I'm ready to get back in and get finished for good!
Thanks for reading and supporting me!
Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)
have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ
who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in
the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20
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