Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rude people and encouraging friends

I wasn't going to post today but decided to after last nights incident at the gym. For those of you who don't know, while at the gym last night I was referred to as a "fat ass" by two guys. I ended my workout early and went home crying. I know I should not have let them get the best of me but I did for a little while. I posted what happened on my Facebook page and to my surprise, there were over 90 comments within a little over an hour. I was so touched by what so many people had to say to encourage me to not let mean people get to me. I have since removed the post because it was not the fault of the gym so I don't want them to get a bad rep because of it. I am going to continue on my journey and continue going to that same gym. I was contacted by a manager and he assured me that it would be taken care of this morning. I weighed this morning and have lost another 2 pounds for a total of 22 pounds so far! That combined with the fact that I learned this weekend that I can wear into some of my old "skinny" jeans again, puts me in a great mood. I have around 145 pounds to go and that in no way scares or intimidates me. I am looking forward to this journey. I want to thank those two guys because they have lit a fire under this "fat ass" and I will be back in the gym right next to them today. I may not be able to go as hard or as long as they can but I'm in there and that's all that matters. So thank you to everyone who reads this for supporting me through this journey. I couldn't do it without each and every one of y'all! That's all for today. Thanks for reading!

Lots of Love,
Sara (The Biggest Loser Reject)

Today's verse is about strength:

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future."
                                                                                                                       Proverbs 31:25

Sorry mom but this will also be my next tattoo. :)


  1. Hey girl!!! I'm sooooo proud of you. Just remember, the best "revenge" is success. (not that I'm advocating revenge, but you get the idea, lol) Keep doing what you're doing. You're amazing!!! Much love from Becky (BL, season 12)

    1. Thank you! I'm so honored that you read my blog! NOT being picked for the show has been the best thing that has ever happened to me!

  2. Sara, I am also proud of you and I know you want to be healthier, as do I, but do not forget that you are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Those people at the gym will answer one day for their attitudes and remember this, when people are bullies and put other people down, it's because they have their own set of issues that are on the inside. I'd much rather be overweight with a clean heart than be drop-dead gorgeous on the outside with a smutty heart/soul/attitude on the inside!!! The one with the pure heart is always going to be the one who reaches the "finish line" first! Stay strong my sweet friend and keep your eyes on Jesus! ~~ Connie Ramos

  3. Sara, I am very proud and happy for you!! Never let anyone who doesn't matter rob you of your own success! I have known you for some years, had classes with you in school and talk ever now and then. We should talk and keep in touch more often! I am always here! Keep up all your hard work girl! Love, Jennifer Foster.

  4. Aunt Becky is going to get her fat a$$ in gear in honor of an awesome niece!
